
Banking and Finance
29.000 Users Banking Customer
More than 1000 Branch Office,
1 Main DC and 1 DRC2


Customer requirement to protect sensitive data and avoid data leakage
GDPR compliancy requirement
Classification of the files based on the Info. Sec. Dep. Policies
Discovering all sensitive information located on both servers and clients


Forcepoint Web Security, Email Security, DLP (Network, Endpoint and Discovery), X10G/X20G Appliances
Boldon James File Classification
Boldon James Use Case
Boldon James Use Case


Forcepoint DLP Endpoint Agents running discovery policies and triggers Boldon James to automatically classify files
Files which contains database records will be blocked by End Point Agent even if notebook is out of office (offline protection)
Outgoing emails with specific content or specific destinations will be sent by Secure Mail Delivery (Receiver will get fully encrypted email)